Chef, blogger, publicist, old punkrocker, oi! untill i die! Living at the end of the world, in the center of nothing

"For the first time, I cooked professionally, although 'professionally' might be too strong a word for it. Anyway, I earned a living through cooking in the first half of the 90s in Katowice.

Afterward, I did a variety of things in my life, not just in the culinary field. I worked as a bartender, I was a salesman, and I even trained people in sales and customer service. My last training session was about 10 or 12 years ago for the Warsaw City Office on customer service.

Since then, I've been cooking, and for the past two years, I've been in the position of a head chef. Along the way, and even earlier, back in high school, I wrote, primarily poetry. I even received some awards in poetry competitions and dabbled in journalism for a local newspaper in Silesia.

For over a dozen years now, I've been creating various online spaces inspired by my interests and activities. Currently, there is the website and its English version, rudekitchen.side, focusing on the field-to-table concept. I also write about Germany, from the perspective of expat daily life and information that doesn't often make it to major global media. I write about depression too, which I've struggled with since childhood, and many other topics that somehow move me."

Connect with Piotr Krupa
Piotr Krupa

Piotr Krupa

I am a chef and writers. Emigrant and professional buddhist. And depressed, almost professional