On Quora, someone asked about the smallest thing that helps in losing weight. I lost 18 kilograms from December 2021 to mid-2023 without special efforts or sacrifices, thanks to one simple thing, one small change. Small? Not sure, but not a big
In 2021, I was 53 years old, and supposedly, losing weight at this age is harder. I don’t know. Earlier in life, especially in my early youth, I had the opposite problem, namely being significantly underweight. I got used to the idea that I could eat as much and whatever I wanted, and I would still be thin. Unfortunately, over a year of sitting in a chair, indulging in stress and depression, had its consequences.
I don’t know what devil tempted me to buy a bathroom scale. But when I saw the weight of 96 kg, I cursed that idea. However, I thought, “They won’t take me alive.” Because when a guy doesn’t see his belly through the mirror, he’s only fit for euthanasia. And it was close…
I know that, for some reason, it was much easier for me to lose weight than for most people. But more on that later.
I adopted one simple principle, somewhat reminiscent of the laws of physics from elementary school, namely the principle of energy conservation.
If someone skipped that class, let me explain. It’s like a bathtub and water. Water is poured into the tub from the tap…